Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The race

Technically not a race (sorry if the title got you excited) but while I was writing the previous post, I suddenly thought "I wonder which religion's got"

Click here to find out...

The existence of God

Walking to work today, I was thinking about the existence of God, and whether he exists or not.

Personally, I don't believe in any religion as they all seem man made (I know they'll be lots of you willing to argue that your religion is directly from God, but that's not what I see).

So while thinking, I had a small revelation.

One of my biggest problems with God is that if he exists, why would he suddenly choose to stop communicating with man kind? In the Bible, Qur'an etc., God seems to talk to man quite often, either through Angels or prophets etc.

But why has he suddenly become so quiet in the last few hundred years?

And then I thought, maybe he hasn't stopped talking to us at all?

When you do something bad, you always get a little voice in your head that tells you you're doing wrong. Or sometimes you'll hear a voice telling you something you don't want to hear, but it's something maybe you need to hear.

What if this is God speaking to you?

Unfortunately, even though I came up with this theory, I personally don't believe in it...

Friday, March 23, 2007

The all imporatant first post

For the first post I thought I'd try and define why I created this blog.

For a while now I've been thinking. To some people this may come as a great surprise because people find that I'm either one of two people, either someone who is quiet and doesn't seem to say very much, or they find I'm someone who talks a lot but still doesn't seem to say very much.

So I figured at some point I should put the results of all this thinking I'm doing down, so that once they're out in the real world I can have a chance to formulate them into some kind of sense.

Of course the real reason (and I doubt I'm alone in thinking this) is that I secretly (not so secretly now) believe I have a unique mind that sees things in a whole new perspective to everyone else on this planet and that if I wrote my thoughts down other people would read them and realise that I am actually a genius, and this would then lead to much fame and fortune (because what's the point of fame without the fortune).

So there you go, the first post is done. Longer than I planned it to be, but I suspect most of my posts will go that way.

Assuming I ever post anything else, that is.

Oh my god, how seriously witty is that title! Snort!